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Michel Bisceglia è uno dei musicisti più importanti e vigorosi del Belgio. Come compositore e musicista ha lavorato con icone del jazz come Randy Brecker, Bob Mintzer, Toots Thielemans e Dewey Redman. È stato anche nominato due volte come miglior musicista belga dell'anno, nel 1999 e nel 2002. Solo raramente questo trio trova il tempo per eseguire la loro squisita musica dal vivo sul palco.

Michel Bisceglia si è preso il suo tempo per sviluppare il suo progetto più personale. Dal 1997 ha registrato solo cinque album con il suo trio, ma hanno suonato in tutto il mondo in famosi festival jazz come il Rochester International Jazzfestival (USA), Jarasum International Jazz Festival (Corea del Sud), Hong Kong International Jazz Festival (HK), il Guimaraes Jazz Festival (Portogallo) con Dewey Redman Quartet, Ulverston Music Festival nel Regno Unito. Ognuno di questi cinque album è un capolavoro assoluto. Come lo descrive lo stesso Michel Bisceglia: "Sono esercizi di meditazioni subtilizzate su melodie intangibili".

Una caratteristica tipica di Michel Bisceglia è lavorare con artisti al di fuori del mondo del jazz. La sua coproduzione più notevole a questo proposito è stata pubblicata con il famoso DJ belga Buscemi su Blue Note Records.

Nell'ultimo decennio Michel Bisceglia ha lavorato a più di trenta lungometraggi. Alcuni di questi film sono stati proiettati al Festival di Cannes e al Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia. La sua colonna sonora per il film "Marina" (sui ricordi d'infanzia di Rocco Granata) ha vinto un World Soundtrack Award nel 2014. Ha anche lavorato al film "Hannah" con il premio Charlotte Rampling al Festival del cinema di Venezia nel 2018. Bisceglia occasionalmente anche arrangiare , orchestra e dirige colonne sonore per altri compositori di film. Il suo contributo come orchestratore e direttore d'orchestra al film "Duelles" composto da Frédéric Vercheval ha anche vinto il World Soundtrack Award 2019 per la migliore colonna sonora belga e un Magritte Du Cinéma per la migliore colonna sonora originale. E di recente ha composto la colonna sonora con Hans Mullens per i 10 episodi della serie Netflix pubblicata in tutto il mondo “Thieves of the wood”!


Michel Bisceglia is een van de belangrijkste en krachtigste muzikanten van België. Als componist en muzikant werkte hij samen met jazziconen als Randy Brecker, Bob Mintzer, Toots Thielemans en Dewey Redman. Hij werd ook twee keer genomineerd als beste Belgische muzikant van het jaar, in 1999 en 2002. Slechts zelden vindt dit trio tijd om hun voortreffelijke muziek live op het podium ten gehore te brengen.

Michel Bisceglia heeft de tijd genomen om zijn meest persoonlijke project te ontwikkelen. Sinds 1997 heeft hij slechts vijf albums opgenomen met zijn trio, maar ze hebben over de hele wereld gespeeld op beroemde jazzfestivals zoals het Rochester International Jazzfestival (USA), Jarasum International Jazz Festival (Zuid-Korea), Hong Kong International Jazz Festival (HK), Guimaraes Jazz Festival (Portugal) met Dewey Redman Quartet, Ulverston Music Festival in de UK. Elk van deze vijf albums is een absoluut meesterwerk. Zoals Michel Bisceglia het zelf omschrijft: "Het zijn oefeningen in gesubtiliseerde meditaties op ongrijpbare melodieën".


Een typisch kenmerk van Michel Bisceglia is het werken met artiesten buiten de jazzwereld. Zijn meest opmerkelijke coproductie in dit opzicht werd uitgebracht met de beroemde Belgische DJ Buscemi op Blue Note Records.


De afgelopen tien jaar heeft Michel Bisceglia aan meer dan dertig speelfilms gewerkt. Sommige van deze films werden vertoond op het filmfestival van Cannes en het internationale filmfestival van Venetië. Zijn soundtrack voor de film 'Marina' (over de jeugdherinneringen van Rocco Granata) won in 2014 een World Soundtrack Award. Ook werkte hij mee aan de film 'Hannah' met Charlotte Rampling op het filmfestival van Venetië in 2018. Bisceglia arrangeert , orkestreert en dirigeert ook af en toe soundtracks voor andere filmcomponisten. Zijn bijdrage als orkestrator en dirigent aan de film 'Duelles' gecomponeerd door Frédéric Vercheval won ook de 2019 World Soundtrack Award voor Beste Belgische Soundtrack en een Magritte Du Cinéma voor Beste Originele Score. En onlangs componeerde hij samen met Hans Mullens de soundtrack voor de 10 afleveringen van de wereldwijd uitgebrachte Netflix-serie 'Thieves of the wood'!


Michel Bisceglia is one of Belgium's most prominent and vigorous musicians. As a composer and musician he has worked with jazz icons such as Randy Brecker, Bob Mintzer, Toots Thielemans, and Dewey Redman. He has also been nominated twice for Best Belgian Musician of the Year, in 1999 and 2002. Only rarely does this trio find time to perform their exquisite music live on stage.

Michel Bisceglia has taken his time to develop his most personal project. Since 1997 he has recorded only five albums with his trio, but they have played all over the world at famous jazz festivals such as Rochester International Jazzfestival (USA), Jarasum International Jazz Festival (South Korea), Hong Kong International Jazz Festival (HK), Guimaraes Jazz Festival (Portugal) with Dewey Redman Quartet, Ulverston Music Festival in the UK. Each of these five albums is an absolute masterpiece. As Michel Bisceglia himself describes it, "They are exercises in subtilized meditations on intangible melodies."


A typical characteristic of Michel Bisceglia is working with artists outside the jazz world. His most notable co-production in this regard was released with the famous Belgian DJ Buscemi on Blue Note Records.


Over the past decade Michel Bisceglia has worked on more than thirty feature films. Some of these films have been screened at the Cannes Film Festival and the Venice International Film Festival. His soundtrack for the film "Marina" (about Rocco Granata's childhood memories) won a World Soundtrack Award in 2014. He also worked on the film "Hannah" with Charlotte Rampling at the Venice Film Festival in 2018. Bisceglia also occasionally arranges , orchestrates and conducts soundtracks for other film composers. His contribution as orchestrator and conductor to the film "Duelles" composed by Frédéric Vercheval also won the 2019 World Soundtrack Award for Best Belgian Soundtrack and a Magritte Du Cinéma for Best Original Score. And he recently composed the soundtrack with Hans Mullens for the 10 episodes of the worldwide released Netflix series "Thieves of the wood"!




Alice Claudia Lenaz, nata in Italia nel 1978, italiana con origini croate. Ha iniziato a sette anni a cantare ed è considerata un prodigio. Contemporaneamente ha iniziato a ballare, in particolare la danza classica, disciplina che ha praticato per 16 anni. Dopo gli studi secondari al liceo artistico di Genova, ha studiato all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, dove si è diplomata "Magma Cum Laude".


Dopo gli studi a Firenze si è recata in Cina per un anno per studiare le tecniche dell'inchiostro e dell'acquerello. Durante questo periodo è rimasta attiva come cantante. È particolarmente specializzata nel jazz e nel blues. Canta in diversi gruppi.


Nel 2014 ha scritto l'album "Aleph", il primo album del duo Aleph, un duo con "il maestro" Alessandro Balladore. Si è esibita con Bobby Durham (ha lavorato con Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington e molti altri), Luciano Milanese, Mirco Mariottini, Ares Tavolazzi, Giulio Stracciati, Stefano Resca e molti altri.  


Alice Claudia Lenaz è un'artista professionista versatile e di grande talento, che oltre a fare arte, tiene anche lezioni, workshop, masterclass, conferenze e concerti.


Alice Claudia Lenaz, geboren in Italië in 1978, Italiaanse met Kroatische afkomst. Zij begon op zevenjarige leeftijd te zingen en wordt beschouwd als een wonderkind. Tegelijkertijd begon ze met dansen, met name ballet, een discipline die ze 16 jaar lang heeft beoefend. Na haar middelbare opleiding aan de Kunstschool in Genua, studeerde ze aan de Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Florence, waar ze 'Magma Cum Laude' afstudeerde.

Na haar studie in Florence ging ze een jaar naar China om inkt- en aquareltechnieken te studeren. Tijdens deze periode bleef ze actief als zangeres. Ze is vooral gespecialiseerd in jazz en blues. Ze zingt in verschillende groepen.


In 2014 schreef ze het album 'Aleph', het eerste album van Aleph, een duo met 'the maestro' Alessandro Balladore. Ze heeft opgetreden met Bobby Durham (werkte met Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington en vele anderen), Luciano Milanese, Mirco Mariottini, Ares Tavolazzi, Giulio Stracciati, Stefano Resca en vele anderen.  


Alice Claudia Lenaz is een veelzijdige en getalenteerde professionele kunstenaar die naast het maken van kunst ook lessen, workshops, masterclasses, lezingen en concerten geeft.





Alice Claudia Lenaz, born in Italy in 1978, Italian with Croatian ancestry. She began singing at age seven and is considered a prodigy. At the same time she began dancing, particularly ballet, a discipline she practiced for 16 years. After her secondary studies at the High School of Art in Genoa, she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, where she graduated "Magma Cum Laude."


After her studies in Florence, she went to China for a year to study ink and watercolor techniques. During this time she remained active as a singer. She particularly specializes in jazz and blues. She sings in several groups.


In 2014 she wrote the album "Aleph," the first album of Aleph, a duo with "the maestro" Alessandro Balladore. She has performed with Bobby Durham (worked with Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington and many others), Luciano Milanese, Mirco Mariottini, Ares Tavolazzi, Giulio Stracciati, Stefano Resca and many others.  


Alice Claudia Lenaz is a versatile and talented professional artist who, in addition to making art, also teaches classes, workshops, master classes, lectures and concerts.


Gabriele di Franco, nato in Italia e attualmente residente a Bruxelles, è un compositore, scrittore e chitarrista pluripremiato, attivo in ambito contemporaneo, e chitarrista, attivo in ambito contemporaneo. Gabriele è affascinato dalla narrazione e dalla musica ed è 
interessato a collaborazioni ed esplorazioni di nuovi approcci alla approcci alla narrazione e alla composizione.

Si definisce un artista ambiguo: vive quello spazio spazio indefinito tra jazz, classica e world music, concentrandosi sulla profondità e sulla consapevolezza nel processo di scelte. In altre parole: comporre.

Gabriele si è laureato nel 2014 in chitarra jazz presso il Conservatorio Nino Rota (IT) con un anno aggiuntivo presso la rinomata 
anno presso la rinomata Musik und Kunst Privatunisität der Stadt Wien (AUS). Gabriele ha conseguito un Master in Jazz 

Jazz e Arrangiamento presso il Conservatorio Reale di Bruxelles (KCB), dove ha studiato con compositori come Kris Defoort, Lode Mertens e Peter Swinnen.

Gabriele ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti internazionali per le sue opere. Tra questi:
- il 2° premio al concorso triennale "Jazz Comp Graz 2017" per Orchestra Jazz compositori under 30.
- Nel giugno 2021, Gabriele ha ricevuto il 3° premio al "Helsinki International Big Band di Helsinki" con la composizione Berlin.
- Nel settembre 2022 ha ricevuto il 1° premio al "Concorso internazionale di composizione e arrangiamento per orchestra jazz Scrivere in Jazz 2022". 
- concorso internazionale di composizione e arrangiamento per orchestra jazz" (cat. A) con "Betsabea".

Nell'agosto 2021 ha debuttato il suo primo progetto di teatro-musica partecipativo "LULELA" (prodotto da LODmuziektheater - BE). 
da LODmuziektheater - BE): un concerto jazz a più livelli con una narrazione in cui il destino del protagonista (e dell'intera performance) è nelle mani del pubblico. 

Per LULELA Gabriele è stato compositore, scrittore, interprete e regista.
Nel gennaio dello stesso anno, il testo di LULELA è stato pubblicato anche in forma di libro da Albatros il Filo - IT, riscuotendo il favore della critica e il favore del pubblico.
IT, ottenendo il plauso della critica e vincendo diversi premi. (maggiori informazioni su: Lulela il Libro).


Gabriele di Franco, geboren in Italië en momenteel woonachtig in Brussel, is een bekroonde componist, schrijver en gitarist, actief op hedendaags gebied. Gabriele is gefascineerd door verhalen en muziek en is 
geïnteresseerd in samenwerkingen en verkenningen van nieuwe benaderingen van verhalen en compositie.

Hij definieert zichzelf als een dubbelzinnig kunstenaar: hij leeft die ongedefinieerde ruimte tussen jazz, klassiek en wereldmuziek, waarbij hij zich richt op diepte en bewustzijn in het keuzeproces. Met andere woorden: componeren.

Gabriele studeerde in 2014 af in jazzgitaar aan het Conservatorio Nino Rota (IT) met een extra jaar aan de gerenommeerde 
jaar aan de gerenommeerde Musik und Kunst Privatunisität der Stadt Wien (AUS). Gabriele heeft een Master in Jazz 

Jazz en Arrangeren aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium van Brussel (KCB), waar hij studeerde met componisten als Kris Defoort, Lode Mertens en Peter Swinnen.

Gabriele ontving talrijke internationale prijzen en onderscheidingen voor zijn werk. Deze omvatten:
- 2e prijs bij de driejaarlijkse wedstrijd 'Jazz Comp Graz 2017' voor Orchestra Jazz componisten onder de 30 jaar.
- In juni 2021 ontving Gabriele de 3e prijs bij de 'Helsinki International Big Band' met de compositie Berlin.
- In september 2022 ontving hij de 1e prijs bij de 'International Jazz Orchestra Composition and Arrangement Competition Scrivere in Jazz 2022'. 
- International competition of composition and arrangement for jazz orchestra' (cat. A) met 'Bathsheba'.

In augustus 2021 debuteert zijn eerste participatieve muziektheaterproject 'LULELA' (geproduceerd door LODmuziektheater - BE). 
geproduceerd door LODmuziektheater - BE): een gelaagd jazzconcert met een narratief waarin het lot van de hoofdpersoon (en de hele voorstelling) in handen ligt van het publiek. 

Voor LULELA was Gabriele componist, schrijver, performer en regisseur.
In januari van datzelfde jaar werd de tekst van LULELA ook in boekvorm gepubliceerd door Albatros il Filo - IT, en kreeg het veel bijval van de critici en het publiek.
IT, dat veel lof oogstte en verschillende prijzen won. (meer informatie op: Lulela het boek).




Gabriele di Franco, born in Italy and currently living in Brussels, is an award-winning composer, writer and guitarist, active in the contemporary field. Gabriele is fascinated by storytelling and music and is 
interested in collaborations and explorations of new approaches to storytelling and composition.

He calls himself an ambiguous artist: he lives that undefined space between jazz, classical and world music, focusing on depth and awareness in the process of making choices. In other words: composing.

Gabriele graduated in 2014 in jazz guitar from the Nino Rota Conservatory (IT) with an additional year at the renowned 
year at the renowned Musik und Kunst Privatunisität der Stadt Wien (AUS). Gabriele holds a master's degree in Jazz 

Jazz and Arranging at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels (KCB), where he studied with composers such as Kris Defoort, Lode Mertens, and Peter Swinnen.

Gabriele has received numerous international prizes and awards for his works. Among them:
- 2nd prize in the three-year "Jazz Comp Graz 2017" competition for Orchestra Jazz composers under 30.
- In June 2021, Gabriele received 3rd prize at the "Helsinki International Big Band Helsinki" with the composition Berlin.
- In September 2022, he received 1st prize at the "International Composition and Arrangement Competition for Jazz Orchestra Writing in Jazz 2022." 
- International competition of composition and arrangement for jazz orchestra" (cat. A) with "Bathsheba."

In August 2021, he debuted his first participatory theater-music project "LULELA" (produced by LODmuziektheater - BE). 
by LODmuziektheater - BE): a multi-layered jazz concert with a narrative in which the fate of the protagonist (and the entire performance) is in the hands of the audience. 

For LULELA Gabriele was composer, writer, performer and director.
In January of the same year, LULELA's text was also published in book form by Albatros il Filo - IT, gaining critical acclaim and audience favor.
IT, gaining critical acclaim and winning several awards. (more information on: Lulela the Book).


Ha iniziato la sua avventura musicale con la chitarra classica. Ma il suo vero amore è diventato il basso elettrico, che ha iniziato a suonare all'età di 16 anni.
Durante gli studi di un anno al Musicians Institute di Los Angelos, nel 1988, ha anche imparato a suonare il contrabbasso.
Da quando è tornato in Europa nel 1999 ha partecipato a più di 70 cd
e ha suonato in migliaia di concerti in tutto il mondo.
Ha lavorato con Mark Murphy, Michel Bisceglia Trio, Joachim Kühn, Rocco Granata, Charlie Mariano Viktor Lazlo, Bob Mintzer, Maurane, solo per citarne alcuni.


Hij begon zijn muzikale avontuur op de klassieke gitaar... Maar zijn ware liefde werd de Elektrische Bas waarmee hij op 16-jarige leeftijd begon.
Tijdens zijn eenjarige studie aan het Musicians Institute in Los Angelos in 1988 pikte hij ook de contrabas op.
Sinds zijn terugkeer naar Europa in 1999 heeft hij meegewerkt aan meer dan 70 cd's
en speelde hij duizenden concerten over de hele wereld.
Hij werkte met Mark Murphy, Michel Bisceglia Trio, Joachim Kühn, Rocco Granata, Charlie Mariano, Viktor Lazlo, Bob Mintzer, Maurane, om er een paar te noemen.




He started his musical adventure on classic guitar.. But his true love became the Electric Bass which he started at age 16.
During his one year studies at the Musicians Institute in Los Angelos in 1988 he also picked up The Double Bass.
Since coming back to Europe in 1999 he has participated on more than 70 cd’s
and has been playing thousands of concerts around the world.
He worked with Mark Murphy ,Michel Bisceglia Trio,Joachim Kühn,Rocco Granata,Charlie Mariano Viktor Lazlo,Bob Mintzer ,Maurane,to name a few.


Cresciuto in Belgio in un ambiente ricco di musica, Lieven Venken ha iniziato a suonare il violino all'età di quattro anni. Ben presto ha ampliato la sua formazione alle percussioni che, pur eccellendo come vocalista e violinista, sono diventate il suo obiettivo e amore primario. Lieven si è quindi iscritto alla "Lemmensinstuut" del Belgio, studiando con il batterista jazz di fama mondiale Dré PALLEMAERTS. Si è diplomato nel '99 "cum laude". Ha studiato anche ad Amsterdam con Kees CRANENBURG e con Billy HART (New York). Lezioni private, Billy HART, Brian BLADE, Jorge ROSSY, batteria jazz New York 1997 Campo estivo, batteria jazz di Billy HART, ensemble di Mark LEVINE, batteria jazz, ensemble Dworp, Belgio agosto 1997, agosto 1998.

Dopo gli studi, diventa rapidamente un batterista molto attivo sulla scena jazz belga. Come musicista freelance ha tenuto concerti in tutta Europa e negli Stati Uniti con personaggi quali: Mark TURNER, Claudio RODITI, Tim ARMACOST, Hein VAN DE GEYN, Jonathan MORITZ, Brian LYNCH, Pete McCANN, Jesse VAN RULLER, Michiel BORSTLAP, Matt RENZIE, Norma WINSTONE, Martin GJAKONOVSKI, Nicolas SIMION, Norbert SCHOLLY, Rupert STAMM, Noah HOWARD, Darek OLES, Shane ENDSLEY, Mike LE DONNE, Gulli GUDMUNDSON, Chantal WILLIE, Danny GRISETT, Mike CARR, Dan MARCUS, Al DE FINO, Frank VAGANÉE (sax), Nic THYS (b), Bart DEFOORT (sax), Lindsey HORNER (b. ), Kris DEFOORT (p), Bo VAN DER WERF (bar. sax), Erwin VANN (sax), Michel HERR (p), Ron VAN ROSSUM (p), Peer BAIERLEIN (tp), Bas COOYMANS (b), Pierre VAN DORMAEL (gt), Manuel HERMIA (sax), Peter HERTMANS (gt), Steve HOUBEN (sax), Nathalie LORIERS (p), Paolo RADONI, Sal LA ROCCA (b), Bruno VANSINA (sax), Jozef DUMOULIN (p), Piet VERBIST (b), Erik VERMEULEN (p), Jean-Louis RASSINFOSSE, il pianista ceco Emil VIKLICKY (p) ecc. .. Ha avuto l'opportunità di suonare con il WORLDS Project di Erwin VANN (versione sestetto) con a.o. Norma WINSTONE (voce), Eric VLOEIMANS (tp), Michel HERR (p) e Stefan LIEVESTRO (b). Ha lavorato anche in trio con il sassofonista statunitense Jonathan MORITZ, con Lindsey HORNER al basso. Hanno registrato l'album "Xanadu" J.A.S. 06).

Sebbene sia conosciuto soprattutto come jazzista, il suo background eclettico gli ha permesso di spaziare facilmente in altri stili, e ha collaborato con una vasta gamma di artisti, come la cantante gospel americana Lea Gilmore, con la quale è stato in tour e ha registrato l'album dal vivo Gospels For Damien.
Una volta arrivato negli Stati Uniti, nel 2002, Venken è diventato una presenza dinamica sulla scena jazz di New York: ha lavorato nei migliori jazz club di New York con artisti come Tim Armacost, The Brooklyn Bigband, Toots Thielemans, Gregory Tardy e molti altri.

Premiato Con il "High Voltage-sextet" ha ricevuto il premio per la promozione artistica belga della SABAM 2000 (B.A.P. -prijs).


Opgegroeid in België in een omgeving vol muziek, begon Lieven Venken op vierjarige leeftijd viool te spelen. Al snel breidde hij zijn opleiding uit met percussie, dat, terwijl hij uitblonk als vocalist en violist, zijn primaire focus en liefde werd. Lieven ging vervolgens naar het Lemmensinstuut in België, waar hij studeerde bij de wereldberoemde jazzdrummer Dré PALLEMAERTS. Hij studeerde af in '99 "cum laude". Hij studeerde ook in Amsterdam bij Kees CRANENBURG en bij Billy HART (New York). Privé lessen, Billy HART, Brian BLADE, Jorge ROSSY, jazz drums New York 1997 Zomerkamp, jazz drums van Billy HART, ensemble van Mark LEVINE, jazz drums, ensemble Dworp, België aug.1997, aug. 1998.

Na zijn studies wordt hij snel een zeer actieve drummer in de Belgische jazzscene. Als freelance muzikant speelde hij concerten in heel Europa en in de V.S. met mensen als: Mark TURNER, Claudio RODITI, Tim ARMACOST, Hein VAN DE GEYN, Jonathan MORITZ, Brian LYNCH, Pete McCANN, Jesse VAN RULLER, Michiel BORSTLAP, Matt RENZIE, Norma WINSTONE, Martin GJAKONOVSKI, Nicolas SIMION, Norbert SCHOLLY, Rupert STAMM, Noah HOWARD, Darek OLES, Shane ENDSLEY, Mike LE DONNE, Gulli GUDMUNDSON, Chantal WILLIE, Danny GRISETT, Mike CARR, Dan MARCUS, Al DE FINO, Frank VAGANÉE (sax), Nic THYS (b), Bart DEFOORT (sax), Lindsey HORNER (b. ), Kris DEFOORT (p), Bo VAN DER WERF (bar. sax), Erwin VANN (sax), Michel HERR (p), Ron VAN ROSSUM (p), Peer BAIERLEIN (tp), Bas COOYMANS (b), Pierre VAN DORMAEL (gt), Manuel HERMIA (sax), Peter HERTMANS (gt), Steve HOUBEN (sax), Nathalie LORIERS (p), Paolo RADONI, Sal LA ROCCA (b), Bruno VANSINA (sax), Jozef DUMOULIN (p), Piet VERBIST (b), Erik VERMEULEN (p), Jean-Louis RASSINFOSSE, de Tsjechische pianist Emil VIKLICKY (p) enz. .. Hij had de gelegenheid om te spelen met Erwin VANN's WORLDS Project (sextet versie) met o.a. Norma WINSTONE (voc.), Eric VLOEIMANS (tp), Michel HERR (p) en Stefan LIEVESTRO (b). Hij werkte ook in trio met de Amerikaanse saxofonist Jonathan MORITZ, met Lindsey HORNER op bas. Zij namen het album "Xanadu" J.A.S. 06) op.
Hoewel hij vooral bekend is als jazzspeler, kon hij dankzij zijn eclectische achtergrond gemakkelijk overstappen naar andere stijlen en werkte hij samen met diverse artiesten, zoals de Amerikaanse gospelzangeres Lea Gilmore, met wie hij toerde en het live-album Gospels For Damien opnam.

Eenmaal aangekomen in de Verenigde Staten, in 2002, werd Venken een dynamische aanwezigheid in de New Yorkse jazz scene: hij werkte in de top NY jazz clubs met artiesten als Tim Armacost, The Brooklyn Bigband, Toots Thielemans, Gregory Tardy, en vele anderen.

Bekroond Met het "High Voltage-sextet" kregen we de prijs voor Belgische Artistieke Promotie van SABAM 2000 (B.A.P.-prijs).


Raised in Belgium in an environment full of music, Lieven Venken began playing the violin at the age of four. Soon he expanded his training to include percussion, which, while he excelled as a vocalist and violinist, became his primary focus and love. Lieven then entered Belgium's "Lemmensinstuut", studying with world reknowned jazz drummer h Dré PALLEMAERTS. He graduted in '99 "cum laude". He also studied in Amsterdam with Kees CRANENBURG and with Billy HART (New York). Private lessons, Billy HART, Brian BLADE, Jorge ROSSY, jazz drums New York 1997 Summer camp, jazz drums by Billy HART, ensemble by Mark LEVINE, jazz drums, ensemble Dworp, Belgium Aug.1997, Aug. 1998.

After his studies, he rapidly becomes a very active drummer on the Belgian jazz scene. As a freelance musician he played concerts all over Europe and in the U.S. with people such as: Mark TURNER, Claudio RODITI, Tim ARMACOST, Hein VAN DE GEYN, Jonathan MORITZ, Brian LYNCH, Pete McCANN, Jesse VAN RULLER, Michiel BORSTLAP, Matt RENZIE, Norma WINSTONE, Martin GJAKONOVSKI, Nicolas SIMION, Norbert SCHOLLY, Rupert STAMM, Noah HOWARD, Darek OLES, Shane ENDSLEY, Mike LE DONNE, Gulli GUDMUNDSON, Chantal WILLIE, Danny GRISETT, Mike CARR, Dan MARCUS, Al DE FINO, Frank VAGANÉE (sax), Nic THYS (b), Bart DEFOORT (sax), Lindsey HORNER (b.), Kris DEFOORT (p), Bo VAN DER WERF (bar. sax), Erwin VANN (sax), Michel HERR (p), Ron VAN ROSSUM (p), Peer BAIERLEIN (tp), Bas COOYMANS (b), Pierre VAN DORMAEL (gt), Manuel HERMIA (sax), Peter HERTMANS (gt), Steve HOUBEN (sax), Nathalie LORIERS (p), Paolo RADONI, Sal LA ROCCA (b), Bruno VANSINA (sax), Jozef DUMOULIN (p), Piet VERBIST (b), Erik VERMEULEN (p), Jean-Louis RASSINFOSSE, Czech pianist Emil VIKLICKY (p) etc... He had the opportunity to play with Erwin VANN's WORLDS Project (sextet version) with a.o. Norma WINSTONE (voc.), Eric VLOEIMANS (tp), Michel HERR (p) and Stefan LIEVESTRO (b). He also worked in trio with US saxophonist Jonathan MORITZ, with Lindsey HORNER on bass. They recorded the album "Xanadu" J.A.S. 06).

While best known as a jazz player, his eclectic background enabled him to branch out easily into other styles, and he worked with a diverse range of artists, such as American gospel singer Lea Gilmore, with whom he toured and recorded the live album Gospels For Damien.

Once arriving in the United States, in 2002, Venken became a dynamic presence on the New York jazz scene: he has worked in the top NY jazz clubs with artists such as Tim Armacost, The Brooklyn Bigband, Toots Thielemans, Gregory Tardy, and many others.

Award winning With the "High Voltage-sextet" we received the price for Belgian Artistic Promotion of SABAM 2000 (B.A.P. -prijs).

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